By Isaac Harris
The regular season for the summer league has ended with a wild finish. Two teams finished undefeated with 10-0 records, a 7 way tie for 6-12 seeds, and 7 teams that finished 4-6 for 16th and final seed of the playoff picture. Per league rules calls for a drawing to determine the seeds for the playoff, if more than two teams have tied records or two teams that have not played a head to head matchup. Rounding out the top two seeds are DeMatha and Takoma Academy with 10-0 records. Third seed, St. Stephens Agnes, finished the regular season with a 9-1 record and with a win against Mcnamara to bump them out of the playoff hunt completely. The more interesting part of the seeding came down to the 6th through 7 seeds, where there was a 7 way tie. Based on the drawing, Landon earned the 6th seed followed by Potomac School, Fairfax Chirstian, Gonzaga, Georgetown Prep, Spalding, and Bullis. The final four seeds also lead to a dramatic drawing between Rockets (Richard Montgermey) and Greenbelt (Eleanor Roosevelt). Greenbelt ended up taking the 16th and final seed for the playoffs. Playoffs start Monday night. See the full list below:
- Dematha
- Takoma Academy
- St.Stephen’s & St. Agnes
- Tenley Tigers
- Hawks (Hayfield)
- Landon
- Potomac School
- Fairfax Chirstian
- Gonzaga
- Georgetown Prep
- Spalding
- Bullis
- Good Counsel
- Patriot
- Trojans (Gathersbrug)
- Greenbelt (Eleanor Roosevlet)
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